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Benchtop Muffle Furnace with a 550 Cubic Inch Chamber

LMF Series

Muffle Furnace | LMF Series

Muffle Furnace

  • 550 Cubic Inch Muffle Chamber U1100°C (2012°F) Max. Operating Temperature
  • Automatic and Programmable Models
  • Modern Fiber/Firebrick Muffle Design
  • 120 or 240 Volt
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LMF series benchtop muffle furnaces feature a 550 cubic inch chamber with fiber insulation and firebrick heating plates. The furnace cabinet is constructed of 16-gage steel with a baked epoxy finish. A top exhaust port allows gases to be vented, or it can be plugged during operation to seal the opening. Two temperature controller models are available: automatic and multi-stage programmable. LMF series furnaces are ideal for heat treating applications, material research and sample ashing determinations in the geological, metalurgical, and wastewater treatment industries. These furnaces are also used in chemistry, physics, and engineering laboratories.

Model LMF-A550 has an analog pyrometer which displays temperature, scaled in 50° increments. Temperature is adjusted via a large control dial, scaled in 100° increments. The controller repeatability is excellent.

Model LMF-3550 has a 3-stage programmable temperature controller which stores up to 10 programs in memory. Any two programs can be linked to create a single six-stage program. One program is dedicated to a single set point that holds the setpoint indefinitely. The delay cycle allows the furnace to be set to its heating cycle at a specific time on a future date. The PID controller allows heat increase or decrease rates to be programmed into the cycle.

Cabinet Dimensions: 41 H x 40 W x 39 cm D (16.0 x 15.7 x 15.3")
Cabinet construction: 16-gage steel with baked epoxy finish
Chamber Size: 9.13 L (550 in3)
Chamber Dimensions: 18 H x 23 W x 23 cm D (7 x 9 x 9")
Electrical requirements: 15 A @ 120V, 50/60 Hz; 7.5 A @ 240V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: 1800 W
Watts to Maintain 1000°c: 1025 W
Operating temp range:
    LMF-a550: 200 to 1100°C (392 to 2012°F)
    LMF-3550: 50 to 1100°C (122 to 2012°F)
Air circulation: Top exhaust port
Muffle: Fiber insulation with firebrick heating plates
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All amounts shown in AUD
Note: Includes ceramic floor tray, power cord and complete operator’s manual.
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