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8-Channel RTD Measurement Card for OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series


8-Channel RTD Measurement Card for OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series | OMB-DBK9

  • Provides 8 RTD Channels
  • Supports 3- 4-Wire RTD’s
  • Supports Three Ranges of RTD Resistance
  • Features Resolution Over the Full-Range of -200 to 850°C Span
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The OMB-DBK9 is an eight-channel RTD (resistance temperature device) measurement card for OMEGA’s OMB-LOGBOOK, OMB-DAQBOOK and DAQBOARD data acquisition systems. The OMB-DBK9 supports up to 8 channels of 3- or 4-wire RTD’s with resistances of 100, 500, or 1000 Ohm. RTD-type selection is made via a jumper on the card that configures all 8 channels.

Excitation Sources. The OMB-DBK9 provides bias for the RTD with eight constant current sources derived from the OMB-LOGBOOK, OMB-DAQBOOK or DAQBOARD’s internal power supply.

Input Amplifier. The OMB-DBK9’s instrumentation amplifier provides both a high and low resolution gain for each of the standard RTD types.

Software. Included software auto-matically controls the OMB-DBK9 to effortlessly supply you with correct temperature measurements. You need only indicate which RTD type is attached to each channel. Thereafter, whenever a measurement is requested from a channel, the entire measurement procedure including linearization occurs automatically.

The data acquisition systems are shipped with several Windows applications including a datalogging application that allows you to acquire RTD’s and other measurements via a spreadsheet-style user interface. Also shipped is eZ-PostView, a post- acquisition application that permits you to display acquired data previously saved to a file.

DB37 male, mates with
P1 pinout on an OMB-LOGBOOK,
screw terminals provided for
signal connections
Configurations: 3- or 4-wire
Alpha: 0.00385
Inputs: 8 channels
Temperature Ranges:
100, 500 or 1000 Ohm:
-200 to 850°C
RTD Excitation Current:
100 Ohm 500 µA
500 Ohm 227 µA
1000 Ohm 160 µA
100, 500 or 1000 Ohm: ± 1.5°C
100, 500 or 1000 Ohm: 0.3°C
Cables: Use OMB-CA-37-x with
use OMB-CA-131-x with DAQBOARD
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8-Channel RTD Input Card
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