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Mini-Node Communication Signal Converter (Converts RS-485 to USB)


Mini-Node Communication Signal Converter (Converts RS-485 to USB) | CN7-485-USB-1

  • Power Obtained from USB Cable-No External Power Required
  • Half Duplex RS-485 to USB Adaptor
  • Compact Design
  • 1.5 m (5') High Quality Cable Included
  • Driver Software Included
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The CN7-485-USB-1 mini-node communication signal converter is a low cost device that converts half duplex RS-485 serial communications signals into a signal that can be read by any computer with a USB port. The integral USB connector and RJ-45 connector reduces set up time by eliminating extra wiring. The CN-485-USB-1 is powered via the USB connection which eliminates the need for an external power source. The compact size is great for field installation, control panels, and lab testing.

Power Requirements: No external power required
Power Consumption: 0.4 W
Isolated Voltage: 3000 Vdc
Input Impedance: 96 kΩ
USB Connector: B-Type (female)
RS-485 Connector: RJ-45
Baud Rate: 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600, and 115,200 bps
Compatibility: Full compliance with USB V.2.0 specification
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Mini-node communication signal converter
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Note: Comes with driver software, complete operator's manual and cable.
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