AUD1,110.00 FP7002
The FP7002 Series Paddlewheel Flow sensor/transmitter flow system provides a low cost, factory calibrated, simple, and easy to install solution for applications requiring a remote long distance flow and temperature sensor located away from the main indicating meter or controlinstrumentation. When ordered with an FP7000 series installation fitting, the sensor/transmitter is factory calibrated to match the flow rate of the fitting selected. Example: if you ordered an FP7002 sensor/transmitter with an FP7010 PVC fitting, the analog output of the transmitter will be factory calibrated to give 20 mA output at the max flow rate of 50 GPM and 4 mA out at 0 GPM. The analog output can be converted to 1 to 5 Vdc output in the field without recalibrating the system. Also now included into the FP7002 design at no extra charge is an independent temperature sensor/transmitter with an industry standard 2-wire, 4 to 20 mA loop output scaled over a 0 to 100°C temperature range.