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Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flow Meters

Turbine Meters
Turbine Meters
The most popular way to measure flow electronically, they offer a wide flow and application rangeability, they are easy to maintain, durable and versatile. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Positive Displacement Flow Meters for High Viscosity Fluids
Positive Displacement  Flow Meters for High Viscosity Fluids
Well suited for viscous fluids which are difficult to meter with a turbine type flow meter. Ideal for many flow measurement applications, including many oil flow applications. Available for a wide range of fluid viscosities. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Paddlewheel Sensors, Transmitters and Systems
Paddlewheel Sensors, Transmitters and Systems
Sensing, monitoring and control in one simple system, view the different options to get the right system for your application. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Low Flow Sensors
Low Flow Sensors
Specifically designed for accurate low flow measurement of liquids, available in materials for any environment where low flow conditions occur. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Power Supplies
Power Supplies
Simple to full-featured solutions to excitation problems. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Signal Conditioners
Signal Conditioners
Convert flow reading to analog outputs for easy analysis. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Amplifiy low level signals by a factor of more than a hundred times to drive any OMEGA® ratemeter, counter or controller. VIEW PRODUCTS »