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Unsheathed Fine Gage Tungsten-Rhenium Microtemp Thermocouples

T5R and T3R Series

Unsheathed Fine Gage Tungsten-Rhenium Microtemp Thermocouples | T5R and T3R Series

AUD112.72 T5R-003-12

  • Ultra High Temperature Range up to 2760°C(5000°F) See spec sheet details
  • Wire Sizes as Small as 0.076mm(0.003in.)
  • Type D and Type C Thermocouples
  • Thermocouples Provided in 12 Inch Length Standard, Other Sizes Available
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Tungsten-Rhenium thermocouples were developed to meet the requirements for measuring ultra-high temperatures in the 2760°C (5000°F) range.
OMEGA™ makes available three widely used Tungsten- Rhenium thermocouple calibrations.

Tungsten versus Tungsten-26% Rhenium
Tungsten-5% Rhenium versus Tungsten-26% Rhenium
Tungsten-3% Rhenium versusTungsten-25% Rhenium.

Because of the inherent brittleness of unalloyed Tungsten, the Tungsten versus Tungsten-26% Rhenium thermocouples are more difficult to handle than the Tungsten-5% Rhenium versus Tungsten-26% Rhenium combination.
The average EMF of the W-3% Re/W-25% Re is slightly less than that of W/W-26% Re and slightly more than that of W-5% Re/W-26% Re. The ductility of W-3% Re is about equal to that of W-5%Re, but superior to that of unalloyed Tungsten.
All three thermocouple calibrations can be used to 2760°C 5000°F) in hydrogen or inert gas atmospheres and in a vacuum. They undergo rapid deterioration under oxidizing conditions and should not be used in air or atmospheres containing oxygen.
OMEGA™ Tungsten-Rhenium thermocouples are supplied in 300 mm (12") lengths (600 mm [24"] loop). Longer lead lengths are available, Consult Sales.

View the Thermocouple Accuracy and Color Code charts
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Part Number/ Desc.
Type C Thermocouple (Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theT5R-003-12
Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type C Thermocouple(Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re), 0.076mm(0.003 in.) wire diameter
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Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type C Thermocouple(Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re), 0.127mm(0.005 in.) wire diatmeter
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theT5R-010-12
Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type C Thermocouple(Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re), 0.250mm(0.010 in.) wire diameter
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theT5R-015-12
Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type C Thermocouple(Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re), 0.381mm(0.015 in.) wire diameter
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theT5R-020-12
Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type C Thermocouple(Tungsten 5%Re - Tungsten 26% Re), 0.500mm(0.020 in.) wire diameter
Type D Thermocouple(Tungsten 3%Re - Tungsten 25% Re)
Availability: 4 weeks
12 inch Type D Thermocouple(Tungsten 3%Re - Tungsten 25% Re), 0.127mm(0.005 in.) wire diameter
Availability: 1 week
12 inch Type D Thermocouple(Tungsten 3%Re - Tungsten 25% Re), 0.250mm(0.010 in.) wire diameter
Availability: 4 weeks
12 inch Type D Thermocouple(Tungsten 3%Re - Tungsten 25% Re), 0.381mm(0.015 in.) wire diameter
Availability: 4 weeks
12 inch Type D Thermocouple(Tungsten 3%Re - Tungsten 25% Re), 0.500mm(0.020 in.) wire diameter
All amounts shown in AUD
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