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Strain Gages, Accessories and Instrumentation

Strain Gage Product Finder
Strain Gage Product Finder
Easily find and compare strain gages. Use the finder tool to view a refined list of strain gages with only the specifications you need. VIEW PRODUCTS »
General Purpose Strain Gages
General Purpose Strain Gages
Available in a variety of models to cover most strain measurement applications. Rugged construction and flexibility make them suitable for highly accurate static and dynamic measurement. Fast Immediate Delivery on Large Orders! VIEW PRODUCTS »
Transducer Quality Strain Gages
Transducer Quality Strain Gages
Transducer quality strain gages are available in a variety of patterns, their rugged construction, reliability and flexibility make them suitable for highly accurate static and dynamic transducers. Fast Immediate Delivery on Large Orders! VIEW PRODUCTS »
Karma Strain Gages
Karma Strain Gages
Omega now offers a full line of Karma strain gages. The K-Series gages are often used for OEM transducer applications where exacting thermal and fatigue specifications are required. K-series gages have tightly controlled backing thickness, and very uniform matrix placement on the carrier to provide consistency from batch to batch. Fast Immediate Delivery on Large Orders! VIEW PRODUCTS »
Strain Meters
Strain Meters
Meters for strain monitoring and controlling, easy to read and easy to use. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Strain Gage Instruments
Strain Gage Instruments
A variety of instruments for use in strain related applications, from dataloggers, bridges and amplifiers to full systems. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Strain Gage Accessories
Strain Gage Accessories
Everything to get the most out of your strain gages: adhesives, cables, pads, full kits, and more. VIEW PRODUCTS »